Legislation Sponsored by Nancy King (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

SB 0432 No PositionPublic Libraries - Electronic Literary Product Licenses - Access Nancy King
5/30/2021 Senate - Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 412 WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew Drew
SB 0433 SupportInstitutions of Higher Education - State Funding - Revision Nancy King
4/9/2021 Senate - Enacted under Article II, Section 17(b) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 44 APP BT -
03 - Education - Drew Drew
Written Testimony on 2/2/2021
SB 0647 No PositionFederal COVID-19 Relief Funding - Report Nancy King
3/22/2021 House - Hearing 3/30 at 1:30 p.m. APP BT -
02 - Finance - Kevin Kevin
SB 0710 No PositionState and Local Government and Private Employers - Teleworking Nancy King
2/8/2021 Senate - Hearing 2/25 at 1:00 p.m. -FIN -
13 - Information Technology - Drew Drew Original Position - OPPOSE
Written Testimony on 2/25/2021
SB 0711 SupportGrowing Family Child Care Opportunities Pilot Program – Established Nancy King
5/30/2021 Senate - Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution - Chapter 438 WM EHE -
03 - Education - Drew Drew
Written Testimony on 3/9/2021
SB 0890 No PositionEarly Childhood Education – Child Care Provider Support Grant Program (The Child Care Provider Support Act) Nancy King
2/10/2021 Senate - Hearing 2/25 at 11:00 a.m. (Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs) -EHE -
03 - Education - Drew Drew
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.